Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Super Blog Friends!

I just want to say how excited I am about our little blog network we have going on. Myself, Dan, Drew, and Crystal pretty much rotate among each others' blogs leaving snarky comments. We rule.

I'm learning to like Wilco's new album. It's different from Yankee Hotel Foxtrot, which isn't a bad thing in and of itself. But at first it seemed less... unique? Anyway, I have to listen to an album in at least three different contexts before I can decide whether I like it or not:

  1. On my iPod while walking down the street, preferably with lots of other people around.
  2. On my home stereo with the sweet, sweet sub. Mmmm... bass.
  3. At some sort of hanging-out (KGB would say "ch-hanging ar-round") type event.

I've got 1 & 2 down. Anyone wanna have a Wilco party?

Choice quote from Dan on the subject, "I think, all kidding aside, I would probably have sex with Jeff Tweedy in a heartbeat."


Dan Stafford said...

shape of.....Ergonomic Mouse! Oh wait, that's the Wonder Blog Twins. Drat!

Crystal said...

Sweet, my own tag! This is the best day of my life.

Not that you asked, but in my humble opinion, to be really great an album has to fit the bill in at least one of the following situations:

-pre-party getting me psyched to go out beceause usually I'm in bed by 11 time (Gnarls Barkley, Pixies Surfer Rosa)

-one on one time (Bjork's Homogenic, Blonde Redhead)

-sit around and mope time (Elliott Smith either/or, Jeff Buckley)