Sunday, June 11, 2006

YearlyKos '06 wrap-up

YearlyKosI'm finally back in Denver from YearlyKos. It was great. I loved meeting and talking to all the bloggers. Everyone was very nice and approachable. If you want to build more access to the netroots, you need to go to this conference.

Some comments on a few of the speakers at YearlyKos:

  • Mark Warner - +5 points after his funny and inspiring speech; Keep an eye on this guy for '08. The universal health care for everyone under 18 idea that he and other Dems are talking about now is great. Something we can actually achieve, *much* harder for the other side to speak out against than "HillaryCare" (as long as we keep getting the messaging right), and a significant step towards real universal health care (we'll get there).
  • Howard Dean - between his speech at yKos and what Markos and Jerome write about him in Crashing the Gate, +12 points. We should be very, very glad he's at the top of the DNC now.
  • Harry Reid - Give 'Em Hell Harry indeed! +10 points for being a model of Democratic backbone, and proving that that's not an oxymoron. Watching him struggle to contain his excitement when someone yelled, "Shut it down, Harry!" was priceless. He's introducing legislation that will require the administration to backup everything it claims about Iran w/ real intelligence.
  • Barbara Boxer - Her speech was very good, but apparently she was overheard defending Lieberman to a reporter, and then wondering why so many people at YearlyKos were not very... enthusiastic about ol' Joe. Barb, come on, Jomentum is a Republicrat!

If you missed YearlyKos, go to their site (logo above is a link) and you get can video and audio of most of the conference (at least the keynotes).

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