Wednesday, April 07, 2010

DC Transit Fail

Public transit is pretty nice in DC. You have trains and busses all over town, and they run pretty frequently. By all accounts, it's a world-class city with a word-class transit system. Except that the people in charge of it are really, really stupid when it comes to technology.

That's a bold claim, but I'm prepared to back it up:

1. Google Maps knows nothing about Metro trains, and is generally confused about bus routes too. WMATA publishes the data that Google needs--in the format Google needs it in--to make Google Maps Metro-aware (you can find it here under "GTFS Download"). But they've published it under a draconian license that reserves the right to charge for it or remove it in the future. So, as you might imagine, that's not cool w/ Google. Way to do all the work and then drown at the shore, guys. More background on this here.

2. For a long time, WMATA didn't even provide this bullet-pre-installed-in-foot non-solution. Originally they refused to play along at all, saying:

Metro staff did explore some possibilities with Google, but ultimately we decided that forming a partnership with Google was not in our best interest from a business perspective. We do believe that Metro's newly redesigned Web site, at, improves customers' access to information about the Metro system. In addition, customers may get real-time information and bus and rail schedules directly on their cell phones or PDAs.

Oh right, you mean the website whose trip planner determined that a co-worker of mine should use the following Metro rail route between Union Station and Shady Grove (two stops on the red line--the same freaking line):

Notice that round trip in the middle where they have you take the blue line from Metro Center to McPherson Square, then take the orange line back to Metro Center once you get there? Not all red line trains go to Shady Grove, but they should know that and their tool should be able to handle that extremely common situation. And apparently this sort of thing happens pretty often with the WMATA Trip Roulette Machine.

3. Notice how it also doesn't show you a map of your trip (like this other tool called GOOGLE MAPS does). They just want you to trust them that it's all correct. Inspiring a lot of confidence there, guys.

4. Google will always be better at this than you are, Metro tech team. I'm sorry, but it's true. You can't and shouldn't try to compete with their resources, experience, and technology. Feel free to continue banging out your trip planner tool, but please, for the love of Jeebus, let Google use your freaking transit data so those of us who prefer useful tools can get on with our lives. Please?

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