Sunday, February 03, 2008

Screwed by Bad Timing

Sunday Blues again. Tonight I'm worrying that I don't invest myself enough in my friends. Like maybe they think I'm kinda "meh" about them sometimes. Hopefully some of them know that's not the case, I'm just good at being my dad (biodad). So I've been reading all of their blogs and re-realizing how cool they all are. I'm thinking about something else too, but not yet ready to blog about it.

Anyway, here are some shout-outs to some of my friends who might read this (in no particular order):

  • Dan: I miss you buddy. You've only been gone for the weekend, but I've been wishing you'd been here the whole time. Everything's less fun when you're not around.
  • Crystal: I hope you move to Denver. I feel like you and I are kinda similar in that we make people work at getting under our thick skins. I'll show you mine if you show me yours. ;)
  • Drew: You should also move to Denver, though I feel like that's a more remote possibility, so I'll content myself w/ regular visits. My favorite thing about you is that you're less afraid to wear your fears on your sleeve than I am. I'm jealous of that.
  • Will: I like that we've reached a point in our friendship where we can cuss each other out in a totally joking manner, but still reveal just enough biting truth that it keeps us from getting too full of ourselves. I hope you know that I respect and admire your opinion. I'm not always good at making that apparent in the moment.
  • Mari: I think you and I have a funny friendship where we make subtle gestures to remind each other that we're BFF but otherwise play it cool. So here, I'm making it official: You're one of my favorite people ever and I love you like a sister.
  • Shelley: I sometimes worry that you don't realize how smart and kick-ass you are. Srsly. Both personally and professionally, you have your shit so together it makes me feel like a huge slacker sometimes.

Perhaps obviously, I could post one of these for each of my friends (and family, for that matter). But I think that's the bulk of my readership on here (thanks for sticking w/ me through the dry spells). If you run across this post and feel sad because you're not mentioned above, let me know and I'll add yours to the list.


Unknown said...

Dawwwww Wesley!

I've been getting struck by the Sunday Blues pretty frequently lately, and they've even started turning into Monday Blues, which just isn't cool.

Thank you much, man. It's always nice to hear complimentary things like that. And Denver _is_ quite nice in the summer...

For yours, I would always say that I admire your seemingly endless patience, and ability to put up with tons of bullshit and not let it affect your outlook and optimism. I'll always admire that.

will said...

I'm gonna second that 'dawwwww.' Even though you're worrying about your investment level (which is ridiculous), it's this kind of post that to me seems to be pretty pure Wes. Thoughtful, observant, and just clearly written by someone who has the right priorities in life.

And the swearing threshold we've reached (I can't say/type the word 'cussing' without making a face, I think it has something to do with being an East Coast liberal elitist) is very good thing in my opinion too.

Lastly a big shoutout for having the patience of Job in dealing with all my random questions throughout each workday (and night) after I - generally without a trace of irony - openly mock all the other people who come in asking you questions about their Outlook mail merging or Windows anti-virus protection or AOL "You've got mail!" sound not being loud enough or any other problem that in a perfect world you could just respond to with 'Get a Mac, fuckface! And now be gone, because I am not your IT dept!" but you don't. I don't know how you do it, but I'm continually impressed.

OK, enough with the mutual nut-massaging. Let me use a better blogging system for work than WebGUI's default system, you good-for-nothing Okie. :)

Crystal said...

aww. Wes you are really sweet. I too hope we get to live in the same city someday, but, as I probably don't really want to see "mine". might scar you for life;)